I've shared before that a theme frequently emerges from a few, unrelated conversations I have with people in the course of a week, and when that happens it inspires me to share it here. Accordingly, allow me to express a few thoughts on Liminal Space.
Liminal Space is the space in-between or waiting time. Here's a great description: "Liminal space is the uncertain transition between where you've been and where you're going physically, emotionally, or metaphorically. To be in a liminal space means to be on the precipice of something new but not quite there yet. The word 'liminal' comes from the Latin word 'limen,' which means threshold."*
Perhaps you are in Liminal Space now, but regardless of your present reality, at some point we all either have or will experience it. To be honest, it can be a tough to navigate. The times I have been in Liminal Space have made me feel uncertain and even anxious. At the very least it can often feel unsettling to be in this in-between. Even though it can feel a bit daunting, I have found a couple of practices that help in navigating Liminal Spaces positively.
To be in-between implies that something has ended or is coming to an end, and the new thing has not yet begun. During this time of waiting, I have found great comfort in reflecting on what's ending and expressing gratitude for it. For example, if it's a relationship you can spend time thinking about the ways in which that relationship brought positive impact to your life, and even consider expressing that to the person if possible. Maybe it's a season, like the ending of a job or moving to a new location. What was it about that season or place that helped you grow or develop, and how could you express gratitude for that?
I'll be the first to admit I am not great at this. I tend to always think about what else needs to be done and what I could be doing next. But rest is a critical element for us to be able to function well and at our best, and one of the gifts of Liminal Space is it can lend itself to natural rest. The very essence of being in-between means there isn't as much to do right now (and don't worry, that new threshold is coming so there will be lots to do later!), so we can take advantage of the natural break in activity and recoup and rejuvenate. If that's the case, what are the ways you could take advantage of the natural time to rest? How do you normally find renewal and rejuvenation and what would it mean to prioritize those kinds of rhythms in your life?
Whether you're in Liminal Space right now, or that time is coming, here's to navigating it with some positive intention!
Be Well,
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