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Writer's picture: StephenStephen

We are continuing our journey in exploring the 8 Cs of Self-Leadership from the IFS-Institute and their founder, Dr. Richard Swartz (Calm, Curiosity, Confidence, Compassion, Creativity, Courage, Clarity, and Connectedness). My ongoing desire is for this series to help us create some positive focus as we keep move forward into 2025.

So far, we've looked at Calm and Curiosity. This week we turn our attention to Confidence.


One of the definitions of confidence is having a sense of trust that something or someone is reliable. It contains a degree of feeling certain, especially when that certainty is connected to consistency. Of course, there is also a perspective connected to self-confidence, which the IFS-Institute defines as the ability to stay present in a situation, even when it is hard or difficult, like saying, "I can do this!"

If we focus our attention on that simple phrase, "I can do this," we can immediately see several important components related to Confidence.

First, Confidence doesn't mean total certainty but rather depending on what we do know. We can be confident in our ability to face and lean into whatever we may encounter, even when there are unknowns involved.  For example, I may need to have a hard conversation with a coworker or a family member. There are probably lots of unknowns involved (I don't know how they will react or respond, etc.), but I can go into it with confidence in what I do know (I've had hard conversations before, I know this person is open to feedback, etc.) By leaning into what I do know, I can increase my confidence as I engage the conversation.  

Second, Confidence also doesn't mean there will be a perfect outcome, but that no matter what the outcome is I can learn and grow through it! In this sense, Confidence has more to do with our willingness to stay focused on the journey rather than have too many expectations about results. Back to our example of a hard conversation. If I can let go of any predetermined outcomes for the conversation, and instead I lean into it with a determination that no matter what happens, I will do my best to learn and grow from this experience, I can enter into the chat with greater confidence.

How does this approach to Confidence impact the way you have thought about it previously? What situation are you facing that if you approached it by focusing on what you actually do know instead of looking at all of the uncertainty, how might that increase your Confidence? Maybe you have a dilemma in front of you and you're so focused on trying to create the perfect outcome that you've lost sight of how this situation fits into your larger journey of life and growth? What would it take to approach it from that wider view, and how could that increase your Confidence headed into it?

Here's to leaning into greater Confidence this week!

Be Well,


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